If you own an Ice Ball Press making clear ice casts is a must. The WhiskyBaller CLEAR ICE System creates (8) clear ice cast for the WhiskyBaller Ice Ball Press. This compact system produces (8) cast at one time and only requires 10" x 13" freezer space. DON'T BE FOOLED ... other Ice Ball Presses that only include cups to make ice cast in your freezer will NOT produce clear ice balls. Why Clear Ice Balls:
WhiskyBaller Clear Ice Balls are pure water - no impurities
WhiskyBaller Clear Ice Balls melt slower than cubes .... up to 3x more slowly than cloudy ice cubes from your freezer.
WhiskyBaller Clear Ice Balls taste great - no air bubbles means no odd taste that home ice makers can produce
and lastly ... WhiskyBaller Clear Ice Balls look Cool
Check out Why an ice ball is better than ice cubes